Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Let's bring in the new year.... Reminiscing!

This whole year has been a rough one emotionally, physically and mentally! My twins have been the biggest change in me! As a person who always sat back and let people walk all over me; I decided I can't allow that to happen no more! I been through what a lot people have not even stepped im. Pain, fear, sadness, happiness, every emotion! I have been through in the last 9 months!  Trying to maintain a mortgage, going to part time hours at work. Life through me a hard ball big time. And this road is not over just yet. This year has made me stronger.  Not just a bit stronger; more like been through hell and back twice stronger! Only a very few may understand what I am going through. This year I'm more grateful and blessed!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I got my button in:)

Noah finally got his button! Mommy and daddy couldn't be more excited! Yay for more tummy time! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

War with developmental milestones

Noah will be 9 months corrected age at the end of the month but his twin brother has surpassed him with tummy time and head control. Noah has been struggling. Don't get me wrong he sits up better than his brother and has better head control while he sits up but not on his tummy. Half of the reason is my fault and half of it is his temporary g tube that sticks out and hangs always tugging on him. He had bad reflux so we were always afraid to put him in a downward position. His gurd was so bad that even with his crib mattress being propped up; he would still projectile puke. Luckily his refulx medicine has managed it, but before his best friend was the bouncy seat!  He will probably sit up on his own before beating tummy time! Only time will tell!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Feeding a baby cereal is just a whole different ball park when you have a preemie child

Well today Nathan's speech therapist gave the clear to introduce cereal. I am one nervous momma. I don't want him to aspirateis food or choke. He already has a lot of saliva he chokes on anyway I just don't want to add another factor. We'll we tried the cereal, and he was so unsure about it! But what do expect when he had a tube down his mouth for three months when he was first born; it prolly is scary for him. The pictures say it all :) We will be trying the cereal at least once a day.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Preemie power.


In the christmas spirit :)

We'll we haven't even talked about getting a tree yet. We are debating if a fake tree will be best this year, but I was on Pinterest yesterday morning because I love all the crafty things and yes it's a plus being a daycare teacher cos all of the craftyness just comes natural to me. Today I decided to be brave and paint the boys footprints  and use the idea off a pin from Pinterest and wallah! Nathan and Noah first christmas art :)
Nathan's Art

Noah's Art

Friday, November 29, 2013

Life with special needs children due to prematurity

For the past 8 months life hasn't been easy but yet so fulfilling and miraculous. No one told me what happens when you get pregnant. Yeah I know what to expect with becoming a mom but to twins that need special care no one told me anything that my road would be this hard or the emotions that would follow. But what if it's not me that needs the help but someone else? How do you be strong for that other person? How do u try to help when the other person is so down on himself/ herself she/he does not want to listen?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Operation: weaning our oxygen

Yesterday was Noah's sleep study. He got to be off oxygen for about 30 min. He did very well actually while awake but when he started to doze off he started to bounce all over in desats.  I'm not going to get down about it it's a step in the right direction. Just like when we were in the nicu, the boys always had to do slower weans. It was nice to see Noah's face without the cannula. 7 months and all we know is tubes and more tubes so we come use to the tubes like its apart of the boys. Really that's all the boys know. I wonder if they feel lost without what is apart of them since they were born.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Victory Dance: Nathan rolls over! (The crowd goes wild!)

Yup that's how it is in our household. Nathan finally figured out how to roll over! Another milestone completed. Both boys finally completed. Yay touch down dance!

Noah loves his carrier.

Friday, November 8, 2013

My monkey rolled over today

So every mom wants to see their children meet their milestones. I just take the twins milestones to a whole new level even if it means making my own touchdown dance! I guess its a preemie mom thing!? My monkey
Noah rolled over today boy I was happy; his brother is almost to the point of rolling over? But I want to ask are all you preemie moms in a way like me? Or am I just overjoyed? But hey my boys are alive and doing well. Heck yeah I'm gunna celebrate wouldn't you?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Meet Nathan


I'm Nathan! I am the little peanut of the bunch with a lot of personality. I been through a lot more then my brother and my nurses call me a true miracle cos of so many close calls and me beating all odds, but were all miracles! Me and my my brother give are parents a run for their money. Were hitting all are milestones slowly but surely. I weighed only 1 pound 12 oz at birth and struggled  with getting off the vent and being weaned of the nitric oxide. 3 months total on all that stuff. I was diagnosed with chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension, but its not stopping me from being a normal baby!

found these old blog posts from my other blog back in April.....

You dream of having the perfect pregnancy…all of a sudden those dreams change when having a preemie, but something else emerges – and you see how strong your child can be….
My life has changed so sudden. I never thought this would happen to me. I was 24 weeks when I found out my cervix was dilated at three and was rushed to Rockford Memorial Hospital. In hours, I was told if I had the twins their chance of survival was very low and then all the emotions came upon me. Why this have to happen to me? How come my doctor didn’t catch any of this? They knew I was high risk!! They knew I had extra fluid build up in both sacs. Why just send me on my way like everything was normal? Boy, was I angry. Not just at myself, but at my local hospital. I played the blame game and I cried. Cried cos it wasn’t fair.  I was able to hold off labor and one week later I had the boys at 25 weeks one day! Labor just came all of a sudden. Never been so scared in my life, but my boys were born and sent away to the N.I.C.U. I heard that the N.I.C.U was one of the best in the area, I heard many stories of other micro-preemies making it so I had hope and faith.
The boys were born on 3/24/13 and 3/25/13 just ten minutes apart. They both weighed 1 pound 12 oz. The boys made it.  Nathan my youngest twin came out the weakest of the two. His lungs are less developed than his brothers. It has been three weeks since they were born and it has been a roller coaster ride for sure. The most overwhelming scary thing I ever been through. All the monitors and alarms going off just makes me feel so helpless. I’m suppose to be their mom and make them feel better and I can’t; all I can do is sit, touch and talk to my boys. That’s the only way right now. To be strong and have faith!
Speaking of my roller coaster ride, this past week has been the most hardest for me. I saw how bad my boys can fight. My oldest son Noah, had to go in for a P.D.A. surgery. It’s where they tie the duct in the heart, since it never closed at birth. I sat there by my boys bedside praying and just talking, knowing he needs this surgery done! It will help his lungs out in the near future. Finally, the doctors came in and told me all the risks of surgery. I didn’t want to hear those negatives, but I took a deep breath and carried on. They told us it would be normal if for the next 48 hours after surgery my boy goes back up on his oxygen and his stats go up and down and he ends up on the oscillator. My boy went into surgery and it was the longest two hours I ever experienced, but he did well and surgery went smoothly. What a relief off my soldiers until the next day both of his lungs collapsed and he was put on the oscillator! My heart sunk, he was doing so well before surgery. As the day went on, the doctors would take x-rays of his little body and he pulled through; his lungs weren’t collapsed anymore, but as of today he is still on the oscillator recovering at his own pace.Noah, now way 2 lbs 5 oz which is wonderful news to me because even though he was born at 1 pound 12 oz he lost weight and was 1 pound 5 oz a few days after he was born. He tolerates his feedings and he’s up to  13 ML every 3 hours. Nathan, on the other hand is sicker than his brother, but he is a fighter. He has pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary emphysema due to his lungs being so underdeveloped. We have had two close calls, thinking he wasn’t going to make it, but we didn’t give up. He hasn’t given up and he’s still here. Oh, he also had a P.D.A.  Nathan has been on nitrate for two weeks and we were told he wouldn’t be able to get his P.D.A. closed until he’s off the nitrate,but his lungs are so underdeveloped the doctors decided to call me at 10:00 Tuesday morning and tells me he’s going into emergency surgery for the P.D.A.even with being on the nitrate. There’s no other choice, they really can’t move forward. If it can help him, it needs to be done.  Once again, my emotions take over me! He’s sicker than Noah. I know the risks are more higher for him with all his lung problems. We leave home and drive 45 minutes to the hospital. Yes, we live that far from Rockford and I hate leaving the boys when I have too. We get to the hospital and I see them preparing him for surgery. I haven’t cried yet, I was doing great, till the doctor walked in and told me to prepare, his lungs are so underdeveloped he may not be able to take the surgery. Right then and their I lost it! I had to be strong for my boy,but the tears kept flowing. He needed the surgery,cos nothing was changing for him. I couldn’t watch them take him to surgery so I sat in the waiting room for two hours and waited until the surgeon came in. He told me, he made it but it was trickier this time. He told me that his lungs re so underdeveloped he doesn’t even know if the surgery will help him. My boys made it! I see how strong my boys are. They are fighters!

4/18/13 Morning Visit

We visited our boys today. Noah is still on the oscillator. I’m hoping he will be back on the regular vent soon. They took him off his pain medication and he seemed very agitated today. His oxygen has been in the high 40′s. They did start to wean his vent settings slowly so that’s a good sign. Nathan’s  oxygen was up to 98% in the early morning, but due to surgery he has to stay on his back and he seems to oxygenate better on his stomach.He loves his stomach! So he is still recovering and was also agitated. They decided to change his tube and put a bigger one in and that seems to be helping. We called this evening to check up on them, and his oxygen was down in the 40′s.  Its been an okay day!

4/19/13 Good news Friday, I’ll take that :)

Here’s to another update. Boys are stable today. Noah is still on the oscillator, but the doctor said he’s recovering nicely and staying in the 30′s 40′s oxygen. Hoping he’s back on the other vent soon. He is now eating 15ml every 3hrs and they said over the phone that his pic line should be coming out soon and something else. ( I could have heard wrong though) They are weaning his vent setting and his lipids and his steroids. Noah is also is having another blood transfusion due to all his labs he’s been having lately.
Nathan is stable and recovering slowly from his surgery. Nathan pulled his chest tube out; I guess he wanted to be placed on his stomach asap! lol. Doctors are just going to leave him be today so he can rest!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Meet Noah :)

Im Noah and I am a happy baby; if my nasal canulla was off you probably wouldn't guess that I was a micro preemie. Im a tuffy .I cant eat orally due to a paralyzed vocal chord that got nicked during heart surgery when I was only two weeks old so now I depend on tube feeding. I do have chronic lung disease due to my prematurity but my doctor is hoping to wean me off of it soon :) My parents are patiently waiting for that day to happen! I still have tons of specialist to go so atb\least three times a month and so does my brother. I suffer from gurd and love my passy almost too much. Im happy and growing!


I have been off my blog for 7 months. My first post was with the last picture I would ever have with my pregnant belly. Back in March I was in shock, excited, and happy. I was having twins, but a week later the world I thought I knew changed forever. Here's my story!
  That was the last picture I have of myself before a beautiful tragic nightmare came upon me and my family. I suddenly went into preterm labor and had my twin boys at 25 weeks and 2 days. I was hospitalized an hour away from my home for a week before they were born too soon. I knew the statistics; the doctors made sure they informed me! My twins chances of survival was slim to none. How come this was happening to me? I pondered the whole time I was stuck in that hospital bed until all of a sudden my body couldn't hold them anymore and I went into labor. I was terrified. I knew what to expect. Had to be mentally prepared. I cried cos I couldn't prevent it from happening. My boys were born ten minutes apart on different days . March 24th and March 25th. They were rushed back into the Nicu and I was back in my room uncertain if my boys even made it or what their statuses were. Eventually the nurse comes in and tells us that they are both stable but it was all to soon to question their stability. They were so small and sickly. Nathan more sick then his older brother Noah.
I wasn't sure how to take it all in. I couldn't even hold my babies. Their lungs were not even really lungs yet and they had tubes down their throats. So fragile and tiny both only weighing one pound 120z.
My boys were born at 25 weeks and 2 days. They spent 5 months in the hospital and im happy to say they are both home. The twins nicu stay was not easy  they both had countless blood transfusions, chronic lung disease, gurd, pulmonary hypertension, heart surgery, eye surgery, feeding tube procedure and hernias! Noah had heart surgery at 2 weeks of life and Nathan had to fight harder to stay alive. He was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and had to be put on nitric oxide for three months. I couldn't even hold him. To make a long story short my life has changed for the better. My heroes are my sons. They are blessed miracles!

Now at 7 months 4 months adjusted :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Is it twice blessed or double trouble? – Unknown

Twenty - three years old and expecting twin boys. My thoughts overflowed my mind the first time I heard the doctor tell me and yet I took a double take and asked, ” Twins?” My life will be changed forever! Blessed for sure….but boys? I don’t know how to take care of boys?! Big wheels, dirt and all sorts will consume my life. Oh wait and then theirs potty training eventually! What did I get myself into?