Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I have been off my blog for 7 months. My first post was with the last picture I would ever have with my pregnant belly. Back in March I was in shock, excited, and happy. I was having twins, but a week later the world I thought I knew changed forever. Here's my story!
  That was the last picture I have of myself before a beautiful tragic nightmare came upon me and my family. I suddenly went into preterm labor and had my twin boys at 25 weeks and 2 days. I was hospitalized an hour away from my home for a week before they were born too soon. I knew the statistics; the doctors made sure they informed me! My twins chances of survival was slim to none. How come this was happening to me? I pondered the whole time I was stuck in that hospital bed until all of a sudden my body couldn't hold them anymore and I went into labor. I was terrified. I knew what to expect. Had to be mentally prepared. I cried cos I couldn't prevent it from happening. My boys were born ten minutes apart on different days . March 24th and March 25th. They were rushed back into the Nicu and I was back in my room uncertain if my boys even made it or what their statuses were. Eventually the nurse comes in and tells us that they are both stable but it was all to soon to question their stability. They were so small and sickly. Nathan more sick then his older brother Noah.
I wasn't sure how to take it all in. I couldn't even hold my babies. Their lungs were not even really lungs yet and they had tubes down their throats. So fragile and tiny both only weighing one pound 120z.
My boys were born at 25 weeks and 2 days. They spent 5 months in the hospital and im happy to say they are both home. The twins nicu stay was not easy  they both had countless blood transfusions, chronic lung disease, gurd, pulmonary hypertension, heart surgery, eye surgery, feeding tube procedure and hernias! Noah had heart surgery at 2 weeks of life and Nathan had to fight harder to stay alive. He was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and had to be put on nitric oxide for three months. I couldn't even hold him. To make a long story short my life has changed for the better. My heroes are my sons. They are blessed miracles!

Now at 7 months 4 months adjusted :)

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