Thursday, November 16, 2017

When transitions become a chore

Nathan and Noah have ADHD. For the  longest time we thought both boys were Autistic. We received many refferrals to doctors about it possibly being Autism. Turns out we were completely wrong. We knew what ADHD was. People would joke with me that I also had ADHD at times. Turned out that I was diagnosed with Adhd as well, along side my twins. See as parents we knew Nathan and Noah have a developmental delay we just didn't know Adhd was it's new friend and that Nathan and Noah have a form of ADHD due to brain damage from prematurity. After finally seeing a neuropsych up in Wisconsin we were able to take this diagnosis and understand it in depth. With the ADHD came a diagnosis of anxiety and possible ODD.As parents we were releaved that we found an answer and now can move forth with finding therapies and interventions that may possibly help our boys well being.  See the issue with Nathan and Noah is they are very academically smart. School hasn't been an issue just yet so the off days show more at home. School is structured and with being home the twins ;like all kids are in their safe comfortable zone. We were relieved by their diagnosis because now we can educate family members,strangers and ourselves. My boys impulsive behaviors are not negative behaviors and their were times where I felt my children's behaviors  were all because of bad parenting on my part,were just learned parenting techniques that didnt work for my boys. It felt like a lift was taken off of our shoulders. That maybe we were parenting the best we can for these two boys.  We just needed the extra coping skills and education to get to the best place possible for Nathan and Noah. We will always be judged while sitting at Applebee's when both my twin attention goes off into who knows where after 5 min of waiting to be served our food.  We will always have comments from others about how I can't parent my children or how naughty they may seem. At least as parents we can understand the ways to help them thrive. ADHD  doesn't just define who these boys are.Adhd doesn't have to be a negative thing to own up to. People with ADHD process things differently and that's okay in my book.
 Nathanand Noah will be referred to behavior therapy and as parents we will be learning coping strategies to help all of us work together to give the boys the best outlook on their education goals and life. The video above this, is myself showing what we use for routines in our house during transition times. For our family, our morning routine is always the hardest! We have good days and off days and implementing picture cards to our days  always have helped us ease into a transition. If you follow me on Instagram @raisingnathanandnoah we have posted a live video of how putting our clothes on can be a long tiring chore and sometimes the picture cards will not work for Noah if he gets into one of his moods. Today before school,was one of those days. It took  about ten minutes to help him just get his underwear and pants on. My advice to you is keep using a picture schedule though being consistent is a big big help when it comes to rasing children especially for Nathan and Noah. Routines will eventually start feeling less than a chore.   You can see my children's attention spans our very short at 4.5 years old. IMmplementing these cards have become a good way to focus on a task at hand.

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