Depression and Anxiety are not always sad days. Everyone deals with
their own mental health differently. Be an open ear and do your best to
just be a shoulder to lean on. Mental health needs to be talked more
about its a serious part of a lot of individuals and families lives. My
name is Lorrie and I have had social anxiety my whole life which has
turned into severe anxieties and Depression after my twins were born
severely premature. If i was able to understand
the warning signs a lot better back then and actually took those
little paper tests seriously while in the hospital, I may of have found
help sooner than later. I also feel that males should be given the same
choices opportunities and understandings after any birth especially a
traumatic one. Prematurity and the Neonatal Intensive care unit can
be a very traumatic place to be at. Many times its compared to a war
zone with everything that occurs in that unit and what families are put
up against, the decisions they have to make right on the spot, constant
beeps and alarms, seeing other families go through it and seeing life
and death all around you. I would not wish that on my worse enemy. Life
after the Nicu for some doesn't just stop after discharge for others it
keep going beyond that. For us, we still fight those beeps in our heads
and our twins still fight, but in other ways now. I wasn't able to cope
with my mental health for the past 4,5 years because of the struggles
we faced. Doesn't make me any less of a person for that. My point is
before you drop someone because you cant understand their reasoning, or
tell someone they are being over dramatic, or get upset that they cant
be their for you all the time. YOU MAY NOT EVEN KNOW THAT YOUR FRIEND IS
STRUGGLING . Love them always no matter what , support them and be
their shoulder!.
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